Before you read this article you may think the title sounds crazy, however, it is true, the Slavic Aryans did invade India.
The Aryans originated from Russia and created the first chariots in the world, here is a map showing the extent of chariots overtime
The Aryans while in Russia made sites such as Arkaim, and built kurgans to bury their people.
After this, they used their chariots and headed south, they found fertile land in India and killed the native Dravidians of the Indus Valley and made sure that their bloodline will stay strong in the high class.
You may think ˝how! that is absurd!˝ well you wont think its absurd after this.
You can even look at the modern Indian high class today in northern India, over 70% of them have paternal ancesty from Russia!